Getting Started


TRSpectrometer is written in Python, and thus requires a Python installation. If you don’t already have Python installed, it can be downloaded from the Python website. On Windows and MacOS, a popular Python distribution which also includes many useful packages is Anaconda. On Linux, you will most likely already have a Python installation, but if not, it should be easily installed using your distribution’s package manager. For example:

On Ubuntu and other Debian derivatives:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

On Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -Sy python python-pip


Python2 is end-of-life and no longer in development. This software only supports Python3, and thus all instruction on this page assume that python and pip refer to the version 3 commands. If your Linux distribution’s python command defaults to python2 (e.g. Ubuntu), substitute python3 and pip3 in commands where appropriate.

Optional Libraries

The numba library is used by some components of the application if available. While it can boost performance, it may not be available on all platforms. You can attempt to install it with:

pip install --user --upgrade numba

If the install fails, it may be because your system architecture or python version does not have a pre-compiled numba package in “wheel” format. Compiling from the “sdist” source package, or from the source code should work, but requires a system install of llvm. See the install instructions for llvmlite for more information.

Installing the Software

Download Using Pip

The package installer for Python (pip) is the typical method for installing a package. This method will install the latest “release” version from the Python Package Index.

pip install --user --upgrade trspectrometer

The --user parameter installs using user-level permissions, thus does not require root or administrator privileges. To install system wide, remove the --user parameter and prefix the command with sudo (Linux, MacOS), or run as administrator (Windows).

Clone From Git

Alternatively, the latest version can be downloaded from the git repository:

git clone

Then installed to your system using pip:

pip install --user ./trspectrometer


On Linux, a TRSpectrometer shortcut should have be added to your application menus. Sorry Windows and MacOS users, this functionality hasn’t been implemented for your OS yet (see issues here and here). Pull requests to add this functionality are welcome!

The application can be run from the command line:


The default configuration uses a set of “dummy” hardware, which simulate the presence of real devices. These allow some of the data acquisition features of the application to be demonstrated and tested without requiring real hardware to be connected and configured. Feel free to dive straight in by hitting the Start button at the lower right on the Data tab. While your dummy data is being collected, you may wish to read about Configuring Acquisition Parameters, and Loading and Viewing Raw Data.

To actually acquire real data, the appropriate Hardware will need to be configured.